
New Twilight Teens

At least, it seems like it! Someone on flickr posted a photo today of a Catty Noir knockoff doll whose box design looked very familiar. Simba's site didn't have any new pics, but I poked around a bit and found these on German ebay. 


Like the person who took the photo in the store mentioned, there's a panther girl, a ...voodoo priestess? and Neptune's daughter or something.  Panthera's leotard is pretty great, and I just realized Nemona's body seems to be transparent. Not sure what to say about Voodoona. One thing is for sure, though: Simba Toys are terrible at names.

(For newcomers, Twilight Teens is Simba Toys' line of Monster High clones. They're a bit cheap, particularly the clothes, but since they use the same body as Simba's Super Model dolls they do have pretty good articulation. The downside is they all have the same face mold.)


  1. They all look like they could have stepped out of a Michael Jackson video... which isn't a bad thing actually.

    1. Hmm, I read somewhere Monster High Ghoulia's pants inspired by the jacket he wears in Thriller. Maybe I should get these girls to be her background dancers?

    2. I look forward to seeing a MJ Thriller presentation on your blog. That would be cute AND cool ;-)

  2. Well they might be terrible at names but at least they created their own characters and didn't just do a straight rip-off like some of the clone dolls we are getting in Australia. The clothes look like they could be interesting though.

    1. Yeah, as MH clones go these are definitely some of the better. Maybe "inspired by" would be a better term for them? I like the leotard and the skull skirt, but they only seem to have ONE interesting piece of clothing each.
