
Too many Monsters!

The problem with Monster High is they're too awesome. There's so many fun and inventive dolls, and with every wave it's getting more difficult to choose what to spend my rather limited funds on. OK, I know - not exactly a problem in the big scale of things! Still, at this point I'm almost relieved when I see a new monster I don't like.

Anyway, this may be old or unreliable news, but I saw photos of the centaur and mermaid dolls yesterday. (I was googling a completely different doll and stumbled upon them here: http://shadowbinders.com/monster-high-avea-trotter-pic-is-going-around/ They're originally from the MH facebook group.) I known everyone has been anticipating the centaur, but personally I was more interested in the ghost mermaid. Now for some reason she doesn't speak to me at all, and I breathe a sigh of relief - because that means I can afford the new Wydowna instead! The centaur does look pretty cool (and articulated, I think?) but 6 arms still beats 4 legs, at least in my book. 


  1. Me too on the mermaid. I'd like to see how she stands up.

    1. From the photo, it looks like the same mechanism as the create a monster mermaid. That is, a hinge on the tail fin that snaps into a 90 degree position from the tail, creating a stand. In my opinion, it looks creepy and I immediately threw my CAM tail into the donate bin.

    2. Really? I haven't seen the CAM mermaid, but does sound weird. I've never been particularly into mermaid dolls, but I was just discussing tail fin articulation possibilities with someone, so I've mostly been wondering about that. As for standing up I just assumed she couldn't without a regular stand.

  2. Good luck getting the centaur doll. She does look interesting.

    I hear you about limited dolly funds ;-)

    1. Thanks! We'll see, I'll probably wait for wydowna to show up before I decide.

  3. I have a granddaughter who is monster doll gaga. She had a themed party last year. She wants the same thing this year!

    1. I'm jealous of today's kids, actually - I would have loved monster high when I was little!
