
Reroot update

It's going pretty well, actually. As you can see we have reached the Cousin It stage (note elegant pipecleaner garotte, a must-have accessory this spring!). 

The tricky part was figuring out how thick to make the plugs. I think I started out too thin, then (after I pulled one and realized it came out) maybe too thick. Some glue would probably be a good idea, but there's a split in the neck and I don't want to risk making it worse. He gets to keep his head on, and I'll just finish this and see how it turns out. There's another doll I need to reroot without removing the head, so I'm happy for a chance to practice. 

Rooting with the tool was really quick, a lot faster than I expected. As a beginner it's reassuring to know a mistake won't take hours and hours to fix.


  1. Absolutely every doll needs a pipecleaner garotte - it's the must-have accessory this year. You look like you've done a great job and it will be interesting to see him after his hair is cut.

    1. Haha, as it is I'm tempted to keep him like that, but it doesn't suit his character. Haircuts are scary...
