
The accidental Evi Love collector

Well, this wasn't how I planned it. My Evi Love needed clothes - and shoes! - so I bought a few thrift store Evis to mug for outfits (and when I found a boy version I bought those too, since they were the only ones that had shoes that weren't pink). The plan was to re-donate the nude dolls, but then I started researching (ok, image googling) them and realized they all had different face molds... And if there's anything I collect it's face molds. So all of a sudden I have four of Evi and her friends, and barely enough shoes to go around. That's doll collecting for ya! 

Older, Newer, The Other Girl, Timmy

Here's what I got so far: first there's the older version of the standard Evi face mold with molded and painted eyes. Then there's a newer version of the same mold that's flatter to allow for screened-on eyes. (And both are descendants of the original Evi face mold, which seems to be a clone of the Heart Family kids/Barbie's Li'l Friends.) 
Then there's a completely different girl mold that might be a friend? I'm not sure, but I did find out there was an Evi line called Children Of The World that seems to have used both (here's the Japanese girl using the most common Evi mold, and the same doll with the other mold). The boy is called Timmy, and judging from photos his mold seems to have been upgraded for eye screening too lately. 

Here they are in profile as well - I find it's often easier to tell face molds part from the side. (These photos aren't perfect, but you get the idea.)

Old, new, pink, blue. 

(Oh, and I just realized something - I miscalculated my 100th post anniversary. I went by the number on my dashboard, but I forgot Blogger includes unpublished drafts too... No need to panic though, since according to the new figures, this is my 101th post. Whew!)


  1. There is this awesome Sci Fi movie from the 60's called Village of the Damned about these blond haired, blue eyed supernatural kids and that first photo totally made me think of it. Especially the pic of Timmy! He looks like he's upset about something.

    1. You may be on to something there - maybe it's Timmy who's been using his powers to making your doll furniture fall apart!

  2. Interesting new-to-me young people, thanks for sharing. I think I have a little girl who resembles these kiddies, but she's Kid Connection. Have to find her ....

    I remember that "Village of the Damned" movie. It scared the s^^t out of me when I was young. Film makers then could do scary without gory. Sigh.
