
It always makes me happy...

...when I see someone found my blog through a relevant google search. The reason I even have this blog is because I've found so many of the answers to my obscure doll-related questions on doll blogs. It might be a post written years ago, on a blog that hasn't been updated since, that has a photo that just so happens to show that particular angle of that particular doll I needed to see to figure out if, say, a rebody would work. That's why I sometimes get a bit obsessive documenting every aspect of my rather mundane thrift store finds: you never know, someone might be looking for a pic of that very doll! - Or they might not, but in that case at least I got some practice with the camera, so it's all good.

In more doll-related news: today I got my first full-scale Obitsu delivered! Full-scale may be a bad choice of words, since they come in all kinds of sizes, but within 1/6 scale that's how I think of the 27cm body as opposed to the 21, 23 and 25cm. I have two heads that have been taking turns on the 25cm body I got about a year ago, but now they both have their respective permanent homes. No photos today because apparentlyg I forgot it gets dark at night and I still haven't got a good set-up for doll photography, but I figure the 27cm Obitsu is probably one of the most well-documented dolls out there anyway.


  1. I hear ya! It's always awesome when someone finds your blog through a search... it's like, "Hot DANG! Key words did their work!" hehe.

    I can't wait to see pics of your Obitsu!
    I've got 21cm (and the really short one... the chibi one... 10cm?)... so I'd love to see some 27cm shots!


    1. "Maybe this Google thing isn't so bad after all!" :D Honestly, it's hard to imagine searching for doll resources without the Internet. The Obitsu will appear sooner or later!

  2. It's great when people find your blog and enjoy reading it. I always feel like "wow, someone actually wants to read what I say." Congratulations on your Obitsu. Hopefully you will get good daylight and be able to take some photos for us.

    1. It's definitely more fun when you have readers! I should probably invest in a good spotlight... :)
